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Ladies and gentlemen, spend a day focusing on your inspiration from the wisdom of the body.

The theme of this retreat is Living from your heart. What does living from your heart mean to you in the phase you are in now? Is this perhaps about wonder, zest for life, passion, or self-confidence? Come discover it. Your heart is the source of your life.

Get out of your head and land in your body!
This day there is plenty of attention for listening to your body, rest and free movement. You arrive at contemplation, recovery and reflection through a combination of action, rest and body-oriented exercises. In Odijk, near Utrecht, you will find the beautifully renovated Kloosterhoeve. In this central location you will find tranquility, space and nature.

This day I (Marijke Hukema) will be working with you on the Body Mind Language method. I guide you in postures, free movement and reflection.
You discover what Love wants to move in your life. We work as a group and yet you can experience your own process.

Jan Verduijn, van Op Adem , provides a meditation and breathing session during this 1-day retreat.

Wilde Wortels cooks this day with love, passion and attention. Think mini cakes, freshly picked tea, good coffee and a nourishing lunch.

The basis of the retreat lies in the love that God has for us and there is room for the movement of the Holy Spirit. The retreat is open to every background and to anyone who is open to this or experiences a click. Come as you are, with all your (dis)belief.

Saturday June 29, 09:30 - 16:00

- Body-oriented retreat
- Includes healthy lunch, drinks, snacks
- Inspiring program
- Space for your own time
- Beautiful, monumental location
- Max 20 participants

To ask? Feel free to send me one email .

Early bird ticket €129,-
Normal tickets €149,-

Are you coming together with someone? Please provide the name + email of the person you are coming with (comments field) at checkout.

1 Day Retreat June 29

€149.00 Regular Price
€129.00Sale Price
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