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Body-oriented Coaching Amsterdam Nieuw West

Do you recognize that you are 'in your head' a lot? Do you want to live from contact with yourself, from your heart and from more grounding?

From a deep(er) connection with yourself you discover your own patterns, beliefs and behavior. You get to know the ground beneath your existence better, you accept boundaries and your unique strength; This creates growth, trust, flexibility and meaning. 

It is precisely the body that absorbs and is influenced by all our experiences and emotions. That's why there is, intuning, attention to the language and wisdom of the body. 

By talking and listening to what your body says you get to the core more effectively than by just 'thinking' or 'talking about'.

Get out of your head, descend to your heart and your feelings. It is precisely there that you reconnect with yourself.

I guide you step by step from stagnation to creation. We (literally) set the blockages you encounter into motion. This way you reach your deeper desires and you no longer feel stuck. This increases your sense of self-confidence, vitality and well-being.

Body Mind Language is a loving and effective method; a 'problem' is seen as stagnation and is part of your process. Your complaint will not be assessed as incorrect, but rather provides information. The method is based on the possibilities and always brings expansion, no matter how small.

The sessions consist of conversation and the focus is on the body, on body language. Is your issue in the area of identity, work, meaning, creativity, entrepreneurship, faith? Everything is welcome, it's all about what you want to contribute and if you don't know how to express this, we will discover it automatically.

In this process you take the time for your issue(s) and you receive tools to learn to listen to the wisdom of your body. This process follows after the intake interview. You can book this intake interview separately. You will receive 5 unique 60-minute sessions that fit seamlessly into your issue. This process has a value of €475 (including 21% VAT).

The costs are deductible for self-employed entrepreneurs and the VAT (21%) can be reclaimed. There are often options for private individuals through employers and/or through a collective labor agreement. Also via the Arbodienst, UWV or PGB costs can be reimbursed.

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